This website contains a study project of The Ra Contact: Teaching The Law of One transcripts, as well as my personal thoughts, love notes, art & photography.

All referenced material is quoted; if text is not quoted, it is my own thoughts and ideas. This website is under perpetual development. Please do not hesitate to contact me with your suggestions &/or feedback! ♡



The Law of One

The inspiration for this website. A compilation of Ra quotes from The Ra Contact: Teaching the Law of One - a book of channeled transcripts dating back to 1981. Ra is a Social Memory Complex which used to live on the planet Venus, similar to how we currently inhabit earth. Ra’s message is always one of Love We are all connected. We are All One. Take what resonates, and leave the rest.

Love Frequency

The Moment Contains Love. Earth is at heart a spiritual plane. Catalysts present us with opportunities to choose between love and fear. My essay on embodying Love.

Love Notes

A love noted diary. A manifestation of intention to learn, share & grow ♡


Focusing on the concept of growth through meditation, or understanding through reflection, or sitting still long enough for our catalysts to be digested, understood, and then let go of.

The Veil / Polarity

Why we are currently experiencing Earth through a veil of forgetting, which in modern society often leads to us assuming that our souls start and end with our current physical manifestations. An overview on the concept of positive and negative paths on earth: our purpose, with soul evolution, may be to fundamentally choose through our own free will a direction to do work in, either “positive” or “negative”, and from that choice, grow and develop our own personal, unique crystalline nature.

Rays / Densities

A compilation of Ra quotes linking our physical bodies 7 rays/chakras to the larger cosmic 7 rays/densities.

The Pyramid Structure

A page on Ra’s involvement with the building of the Great Pyramid, and how Pyramids were used thousands of years ago. While we no longer need to use any physical structure for our personal growth, living in a structure that is not in the shape of a box remains spiritually enticing!

Why Study the Ra Contact?

This site may provide a more succulent summary of the material. From my perspective:

The Ra Contact: Teaching the Law of One is a 2 book series containing written transcripts from recorded channeling done mainly in 1981, by three individuals (Carla Rueckert, Don Elkins & James McCarty), whose joint seeking eventually lead to this very unique, never again replicated contact. The group maintained the contact through a few months of sessions. Carla, whom Ra was being channeled through, was unconscious during the channeling. This is very unusual - most channelings are done through individuals in some form of meditation, at least somewhat conscious in their bodies, more vulnerable to different sources of energy channeling through, and their own personal biases. Due to the specific circumstances (direct, solid wave contact) of this groups set up, and all sessions being tape recorded, we are left with a very special set of transcripts which through the years have maintained their purity and value. The details within the Ra contact have stood the test of time and my own personal analysis.

Until my study started of the Ra transcripts, I had not found any channeling which resonated. I maintain a solid skepticism towards channeling as a whole. It is common for other spirits, sources or even ideas to influence those attempting to channel a specific entity or light source. I feel strongly that personal discernment must apply to all information we are exposed to, and with the Ra contact, there is no exception to the vital need for our own intuition and discernment to weigh in on if this material is personally beneficial, and grounded in truth which helps us personally.

For me, The Ra Contact resonates deeply. Ra has helped me in my search for understanding the dark and the light, in a realm of unknowing. Ra has helped me grasp mental analysis of my heart-based faith. In a time of being solo, Ra provides solace.

I do not find The Ra Contact to be religious in nature, despite references to the One Infinite Creator. I find a strong separation between personal faith, and organized religion. The Ra Contact can blend with ones own personal beliefs (I note that Carla was a devote Christian). The Ra Contact could be considered a study book of wisdom from other-world elders, to help navigate this world and trust ones own faith, instincts, choices and ultimate direction. To end: integrate what works for you, and leave the rest.

(360) 325-2747 (text/mobile)