On earth, we are learning the ways of love. In each conscious moment, we focus via our free will. We can focus through a lens of love, or through a lens of fear. When we live through a lens of love, energetically love will grow upon itself. Love and fear are deeply connected and intertwined, polarized opposites in our physical and spiritual planes. We often fear to lose love. In the many lessons of love therein, is a growing understanding that love is not something we can lose. Love is all around us, flowing inside us, everywhere. Fear can block this love from flowing, yet love is always here. We can focus via our free will in the frequency of love.

We are all one.  Without the illusion of separation, there is nothing to lose.  Separation is an illusion created by the veil; inside us all lies the entire universe.  You are here, you are now, you are present, you are all.  You are love(d).

Consciously practicing to reset ‘back’ into the energetic presence of love is a positive feedback loop that will grow upon itself.  This practice can grow stronger consistently through the catalysts that life on earth provides. Through inwardly working to rest in a place of love, we naturally end up spreading love to our neighbors; through the simple embodiment of love. Missteps will happen, we can appreciate mistakes as new catalysts to learn and grow from. Through gratitude we can learn to appreciate all experiences. 

Love contains true freedom, and love transcends fear.  We can relax into love by letting go of fear.  At root, every moment on earth contains a choice between love and fear.  Fear is born from the illusion of separation, which is a natural, fundamental part of the human condition, veil or illusion. Yet when we are living in fear, we cannot exercise our true free will. Fear is a physical reaction, we can watch it to pass through us or we can get lost in it’s tangles. Fear need not govern our life. A primary way to counteract fear is by encouraging gratitude. Even the smallest seed of fear can be blown out of proportion and abused, if given our focus or energy.  When we practice living fearlessly, faithfully and in gratitude for all experiences, we are existing in the energetic frequency of love.

  • Patience

    Patience is a foundation for navigating earth, the foundation of positive growth and change. Patience helps us build consistency in our direction and actions.

    What is meant for you will be found.

  • Faith

    It is a strengthening gift to cultivate faith, which is individual to you alone, however your personal faith manifests itself.

    Faith in the knowledge YOU are more than this one mind / body / spirit experience.

  • Gratitude

    Practicing appreciation for all earth experiences, the light as well as the dark, is the key to positive growth.

    Without knowing darkness, we cannot fully know and appreciate the love and light.

  • Trust

    Relax into not knowing, as earth is specifically traversed through a veil of forgetting, or a lack of conscious understanding.

    Trust your intuition. Trust in your own strength and ability to heal and evolve. Trust in love.

The Present Moment

Accepting the present moment for what it is, and finding love within this moment, is a great freedom. We can reset our selves back into a state of love, and of non-judgmental awareness, by watching the present moment with gratitude and appreciation.  We can observe the passing of thoughts, the constant changing of physical matter, we can watch our selves engage in the current moment. The less we take outside events personally, the less they cause us suffering. We stay present in the seat of our soul.

Letting go of fear (by not getting lost in the contents of thoughts) leaves room for the love which exists always. Partially free from constantly moving from one physical sense or mental thought to the next, there is space created to fall back to the base state of consciousness, or calm, a relaxing space where love exists freely.

Soul Evolution

Earth is a place for spiritual evolution. Our souls evolve through experience and free will. Practicing gratitude for all experiences helps us polarize positively, and learn from our catalysts. Recognizing experiences as catalysts to learn and grow from quickens our evolutionary process. 

“The purpose of incarnative existence is evolution of mind, body, and spirit. In order to do this it is not strictly necessary to have catalyst. However, without catalyst the desire to evolve and the faith in the process do not normally manifest and thus evolution occurs not. Therefore, catalyst is programmed and the program is designed for the mind/body/spirit complex for its unique requirements. Thus it is desirable that a mind/body/spirit complex be aware of and hearken to the voice of its experiential catalyst, gleaning from it that which it incarnated to glean.” - Ra, 54.24

Catalysts as opportunities to choose Love

“The catalyst, and all catalyst, is designed to offer experience. This experience in your density may be loved and accepted or it may be controlled. These are the two paths. When neither path is chosen the catalyst fails in its design and the entity proceeds until catalyst strikes it which causes it to form a bias towards acceptance and love or separation and control” - Ra, 46.16

Water is a Divine Medium

On a physical note, water is our magical vessel which allows for containing intention and emotion. Thoughts can be transmuted into the medium of water and change the physical state therein. A lovingly made food or drink can emote love.  

“The charging of the water is done by those present placing their hands over the glass and visualizing the power of love entering the water. This will charge that very effective medium with those vibrations.” - Ra, 1.13

“…a gift of water into which the love of all present has been given. This will restore this entity, for her distortions contain great sensitivity towards the vibrations of love, and the charged water will effect comfort.” - Ra, 1.12

“Your own nature is water in that you as mind/body/spirit complexes are easily impressed and moved. Indeed, this is the very fiber and nature of your journey and vigil in this density: to not only be moved but to instruct yourself as to the preferred manner of your movement in mind, body, and spirit.” - Ra, 88.23

“As all things can be reflected in water, so the whole universe is mirrored in the lake of the Cosmic Mind.” - Paramahansa Yogananda

“Love comes from one frequency... perhaps liken it rather to a strength than a frequency, this strength being infinite.” - Ra, 27.15